
Jonathan Naughton

Dr. Jonathan Naughton has worked in the aerospace industry since graduating from Cornell in 1986.  After 2 years working at McDonnell Douglas, Dr. Naughton moved to Penn State and received his PhD in Mechanical Engineering in 1993.  After 4 years working at NASA-Ames, Dr. Naughton moved to the University of Wyoming in 1997.  In 2004, Dr. Naughton started Wyoming Instrumentation Development to provide consulting services to the aerospace industry. In 2016, Dr. Naughton and colleagues started another company Resono Pressure Systems that focuses on unsteady pressure measurements.  Dr. Naughton is a member of AIAA, AHS, and APS.  He is an Associate Fellow of AIAA and served as the Chair of the Aerodynamic Measurement Technology Technical Committee.  

Nicholas Husen

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 Leann Naughton is Wife and Mother Extraordinaire.  She is obeyed and revered by all who know her.

Kian Naughton

Kian Naughton is pursuing a degree Computer Science. He is currently developing websites for small companies including Wyoming Instrumentation Development.